
Structure of Lalitha Sahasranama

The sloka is organised based on the 5 works (pancha kruthyam). They are - shrishti (Creation), sthithi (Protection), samhAram (Destruction), thirOdhAnam (Hiding) and anugraham (Blessing). Devi herself has been described as "pancha kruthya parAyanA" in the sloka and the five tasks are described as follows:

shrishtikarthree brahmma roopA gOpthree gOvinda roopini samhArinee rudra roopA thirOdhAnakareeswari sadAsiva anugrahadhA panchakruthya parAyanA

This means - Devi is doing shrishti as Brahmma, sthithi as Vishnu (Govinda), samhara as Rudra, thirodhanam as Eeswara and anugruham as Sadasiva.

These 5 entities (Brahmma, Vishnu, Rudra, Easwara and Sadasiva) are known as "pancha brahmmam". Lalitha has designated the five functions to these brahmmams. Sometimes, Devi will take away the life from these 5 brahmmam and make them inactive, performing all the 5 tasks by herself. At that time they will be called "pancha prEtam" that is life less bodies.

Now the first three slokas are: sree matha - (Great mother) Shrishti sree maha ragnee - (Great ruler)Sthithi sree math simhasaneswari - (One who sits on the simhasanam and manages) Samharam. Here there is no direct reference to samharam. But managing here includes, creating balance between birth and death.

The rest of the slokas cover - thirodhanam and anugraham.

Now the next namas - "chidhagnikunda sambhootha devakarya samudhyatha" tells us that devi arose from the fire of knowledge to help devas in their task (war against asuras - bhandasura).

From the namAa- Udhyath bhanu sahasraba till sinjanamani manjeera manditha sree padambuja, all her parts like her face, fore head, eyes, mouth, tongue, voice, hands, hip, legs has been described.

Thereafter, Devi's place (Chintamani gruham), her war against bandasuran, kundalini shakthi, her properties (like who can reach her and who cannot) etc. has been described.

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